Father, well said regarding the negative impact of dissention by Church Hierarchy on the Magisterium and our Church's Moral Authority. Mary Eberstadt has done a masterful job of describing the devastating cultural and socioeconomic impacts following from the rejection of Humanae Vitae, by Secularists, and incredibly, by some "in the Church". The destructive results are there if one simply cares to see them.
John Rock, MD, a Catholic ObGyn researcher was recruited to work on the Pill by funds from Planned Parenthood. A shame to say the least.
I find that many fail to understand some of the inherent evils of the Pill, namely that while it usually works by preventing ovulation, it also works by its negative effects on the endometrium, making it incapable of supporting implantation of the early embryo. Thus, when escape ovulation and fertilization does occur, albeit rarely, the Pill works as an abortifacient. Sadly, one would never know the life had come to exist.
Father, well said regarding the negative impact of dissention by Church Hierarchy on the Magisterium and our Church's Moral Authority. Mary Eberstadt has done a masterful job of describing the devastating cultural and socioeconomic impacts following from the rejection of Humanae Vitae, by Secularists, and incredibly, by some "in the Church". The destructive results are there if one simply cares to see them.
Two thoughts:
John Rock, MD, a Catholic ObGyn researcher was recruited to work on the Pill by funds from Planned Parenthood. A shame to say the least.
I find that many fail to understand some of the inherent evils of the Pill, namely that while it usually works by preventing ovulation, it also works by its negative effects on the endometrium, making it incapable of supporting implantation of the early embryo. Thus, when escape ovulation and fertilization does occur, albeit rarely, the Pill works as an abortifacient. Sadly, one would never know the life had come to exist.